Chief Stix CBD and CBG Hemp Flower Smokes


Looking for a smoke that will make you feel good? Then Chief Stix hemp smokes are the right choice for you! Available in natural and menthol, these little smokes are packed with CBD and CBG hemp flower that delivers a powerful hit of calm and pain relief with every puff. Rolled with biodegradable paper and an all-natural filter, these “Stix” are good for you and the planet. Chief Stix contains zero nicotine and zero tobacco! Pure hemp with CBG and CBD! Get rid of the tobacco for good! You will smell so much better!

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Looking for a smoke that will make you feel good? Then Chief Stix hemp smokes are the right choice for you! Available in natural and menthol, these little smokes are packed with CBD and CBG hemp flower that delivers a powerful hit of calm and pain relief with every puff. Rolled with biodegradable paper and an all-natural filter, these “Stix” are good for you and the planet. Chief Stix contains zero nicotine and zero tobacco! Pure hemp with CBG and CBD! Get rid of the tobacco for good! You will smell so much better!


  • 0% Nicotine, 0% Tobacco, 100% Natural
  • Made with natural American sun-grown organic 100% CBG + CBD hemp flowers
  • Rolled with biodegradable rice paper and filters
  • Triple lab-tested to ensure quality, compliance, and safety

Ingredients: hemp flower, hemp paper, biodegradable filter


This herbal supplement has not been evaluated by the FDA, nor is it intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.


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